
During the trip to Ceylon, I was able to appreciate how beautiful the views of Sigiriya, as well as bring from there the best panoramas of Sri-Lanka, Lion Rock pictures, Royal palace photo and images of unusual boulders


Photo album about Sri Lanka

Beautiful views of Sigiriya

An unambiguous remark near the moat with crocodiles

Panorama of Sigiriya

Photo album about Sri Lanka

Ready for defense

An unambiguous remark

Panorama of Sigiriya

Exposition of the Historical Museum

Pretty views of Sigiriya

Lion Rock beautiful pictures

Bright images of unusual boulders

Exposition of the Historical Museum

Extremely solid

The way to Golgotha

Among the stones


How the Snake Rock look like

Pleasant images of unusual boulders

Wonderful pictures of the Lion Rock

Report from the ascent to the mountain

Snake Rock

Dangerous passage

Until the blue sky

Over the precipice...

Lion Rock most beautiful pictures

Best views of Sigiriya

Rock paintings of Sigiriya

Pleasant panoramas of Sri-Lanka

We look down

Let's crawl by and by

Rock paintings of Sigiriya

Panorama shooting

Lion Rock pictures at a glance

The Lion's Staircase in all its glory

Royal palace Sri Lanka photo

In the photo, the ruins of the royal palace

The ascent continues!

The Lion's Staircase

On the top

In the photo, the ruins of the royal palace

Jungles of Sri Lanka

Royal palace pretty photo

The kingdom of monkeys

Pleasant  panoramas of Sri-Lanka

Jungles of Sri Lanka

Ancient masonry is still in service

The kingdom of monkeys

At the very edge

Pictures of Aspen nests clung to the Lion Rock

Beautiful views of Sigiriya

Fantastic images of unusual boulders

The most beautiful views of Sigiriya

Aspen nests clung to the rock

Sheer wall. It was not easy to get there

Wow pebble!

Beautiful views of Sigiriya

See photos from Dambulla...

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